Cleansing Basics: How to Support Cleansing through Probiotics Part 2/3
Ready for a biology lesson? It’s actually pretty fascinating stuff and is critical for you to fully understand the importance of cleansing your body.
Everything you put into your mouth eventually ends up in your stomach, which then goes to your small and then large intestines. Your stomach contains acid that helps break down the food you eat and kills many of the germs and pathogens you ingest, but not all.
Our body is prepared for this though. It knows that germs will be absorbed through the small intestines, which is why it houses hundreds of healthy bacteria species known as intestinal micro-flora. These intestinal micro-flora colonize the surface of both the small and large intestines. Even with trillions of healthy bacterium fighting against the germs that our body has absorbed, these bacterium can be harmed by everyday disrupters that can cause our body to be more susceptible to becoming ill. Physical stress, exposure to chemicals and toxins, improper nutrition, and poor nutrient density in our foods can all contribute to reduce the amount of beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract.
So how then can we support and increase the amount of healthy bacteria in our bodies that kill harmful pathogens? By using probiotics! A probiotic is medically defined as live microbial food that alters intestinal flora and provides healthy benefits. Probiotics help maintain the correct balance between the “good” bacteria and the “bad” bacteria that is necessary for optimal health.
This is all very important for maintaining a healthy immune function because the beneficial bacteria in our bodies do way more than just fight pathogens. They also produce amino acids, vitamins, purify the colon, and assist the body is basic metabolism.
Signs that your body has been compromised of microflora include digestive discomfort, allergies, chronic intestinal maladies such as inflammation, colitis, diarrhea, and urinary tract infections. Fatigue and a lack of energy are also common side effects of poor intestinal health.
This is where cleansing comes into action. It plays an important role in getting rid of toxins, while also helping to maintain healthy intestinal flora.
Remember the mention of the importance of probiotics earlier? Well, probiotics are what maintain the necessary intestinal balance. We can receive probiotics is several different forms. Most of you are probably thinking of yogurt, which does contain probiotics; however, only 1% of all probiotics we consume will actually become viable in the intestinal tract (including yogurt). The main reason for this is because our stomach acid destroys 99% of the probiotics before they can be put to good use.
GX Assist helps to cleanse your body, while PB Assist+ helps keep all the healthy microflora flourish and function properly in your body.
GX Assist is a combination of essential oils (oregano, melaleuca, lemon, lemongrass, peppermint, and thyme) and caprylic acids. Each of these essential oils and the caprylic acid have been shown to improve microbial balance.
GX Assist also helps to support a healthy digestive tract and gets rid of anything that could eventually disrupt your digestive system and was formulated to be used for 10 days as a preparatory cleansing step before using PB Assist+.
PB Assist+ is a double-capsule delivery system with a time-release inner capsule that protects the probiotic cultures from the harsh environment of the stomach. When taken, it delivers the active benefits of the cultures at a full strength within your small and large intestines.
When our body’s microflora is compromised, we become more prone to infectious pathogens in the gut, which can cause our immune system to not function properly.
PB Assist+ is a blend of six active strains of friendly probiotic microorganisms that support healthy colonies of friendly microflora in the gut. It also creates an unfavorable environment for unhealthy bacteria, yeast, and other harmful microorganisms. This is what helps to cleanse and flush the body of all the toxins and chemicals that have been stored in your intestines.
GX Assist helps your digestive tract cleanse itself properly without giving it a dramatic flush. If you do have a sensitive digestive tract, start small (perhaps 1 capsule a day), and work up from there.
Use these capsules every month for optimal digestive health. During the first 10 days of the month take 3 capsules per day of GX Assist and follow by 5 days of taking 3 capsules of PB Assist+ per day. For the last 15 days take 1 capsule of PB Assist+ per day.
Although it is best to keep your probiotic products out of the heat, it is not necessary to refrigerate our probiotic supplements under normal storage conditions. They are tested for shelf life and stability and will retain their activity level when stored under normal conditions. Dry probiotic cultures such as the ones used in our PB Assist+ capsules are not activated until they are released in the gut and exposed to moisture. Many of the liquid probiotic supplements you purchase off the retail shelf are not as stable and have a short lifespan and require refrigeration.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
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